
Sifat Ahmed

An enthusiastic web UI/UX designer and developer from Dhaka, Bangladesh.

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Leading UI/UX Designer & Developer

I'm Sifat Ahmed, a passionate UI/UX designer and developer. With 3 years of experience as a professional Web Front-End & Developer, I excel in crafting exceptional digital experiences. My expertise in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, coupled with front-end frameworks like Bootstrap and Tailwind, enables me to create responsive and visually appealing websites. I am committed to staying updated with the latest trends and implementing innovative solutions to ensure project success. Let's collaborate and bring your vision to life!


HTML whiz, adeptly crafting web solutions with proficiency in markup, structure, and elements for seamless user experiences.


CSS maestro, skillfully designing captivating and responsive web interfaces, mastering styles, layouts, and animations for stunning visual presentations.


JavaScript pro, expertly developing dynamic and interactive web applications, proficient in functions, DOM manipulation, and AJAX for enhanced user experiences.


jQuery maestro' experience, adept at enhancing web interactivity, expertly utilizing DOM manipulation, animations, and event handling for engaging user interfaces.


Bootstrap wizard, proficient in creating responsive and appealing web designs, leveraging the framework's components and utilities for seamless user experiences.


Tailwind virtuoso, skilled in crafting stylish and responsive web designs, utilizing the framework's utility classes for efficient and customizable front-end development.


Core PHP expert, adept at developing dynamic web applications, proficient in handling server-side logic and database integration for seamless functionality.


Laravel specialist, proficient in building robust and efficient web applications, leveraging the framework's features and tools for elegant code and smooth development processes.


MySQL database guru, skilled in designing and managing efficient database structures, adept at writing optimized queries for seamless data storage and retrieval.

Which I am able to provide to you?


I can also design PSD to Html. I am designing it for 3 months. I designed 10+ different types of websites. I design PSD to Html fully responsive and clean.I can also design PSD to Html.

Bug Fixing

A simple Bug can destroy your website it can make your site useless.Hire me if there any bugs in your website . I will take care of them.


I will provide you different layout design website and full responsive that this website you see any pixel it's will all time right.


Slow loading website it’s the biggest problem for every website. I can boost your website’s speed by optimization your website. And if you don’t have time to maintain your website don’t worry I’m here.

UI Design

The unique design is very important for every website. You and your customer seeing this website will be very fascinated.

Experience Design

I can create any type of website for your business, portfolio, company, e-commerce store, blog etc. I provide unique, clean & awesome graphical design interface.

My works that I did for clients

Developer Sifat Ahmed, Dev Sifat, Dev Ahmed, Developed by Sifat Ahmed, Sifat Ahmed, Web Designer & Developer
Developer Sifat Ahmed, Dev Sifat, Dev Ahmed, Developed by Sifat Ahmed, Sifat Ahmed, Web Designer & Developer
Developer Sifat Ahmed, Dev Sifat, Dev Ahmed, Developed by Sifat Ahmed, Sifat Ahmed, Web Designer & Developer
Developer Sifat Ahmed, Dev Sifat, Dev Ahmed, Developed by Sifat Ahmed, Sifat Ahmed, Web Designer & Developer
Developer Sifat Ahmed, Dev Sifat, Dev Ahmed, Developed by Sifat Ahmed, Sifat Ahmed, Web Designer & Developer
Developer Sifat Ahmed, Dev Sifat, Dev Ahmed, Developed by Sifat Ahmed, Sifat Ahmed, Web Designer & Developer
Developer Sifat Ahmed, Dev Sifat, Dev Ahmed, Developed by Sifat Ahmed, Sifat Ahmed, Web Designer & Developer
Developer Sifat Ahmed, Dev Sifat, Dev Ahmed, Developed by Sifat Ahmed, Sifat Ahmed, Web Designer & Developer
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My Client Reviews

Testimonial About Sifat Ahmed, Review About Sifat Ahmed, Developer Sifat Ahmed, Designer Sifat Ahmed, Sifat Ahmed's Client Reviews

Ahmed Jubair

Sifat Ahmed's web design skills are unmatched! He created a stunning, SEO-optimized website for my business, attracting more visitors. A true professional!

Testimonial About Sifat Ahmed, Review About Sifat Ahmed, Developer Sifat Ahmed, Designer Sifat Ahmed, Sifat Ahmed's Client Reviews

Monoj Kumar

Impressed by Sifat Ahmed's web development expertise! He built a responsive, user-friendly site that performs flawlessly. Highly recommended!

Testimonial About Sifat Ahmed, Review About Sifat Ahmed, Developer Sifat Ahmed, Designer Sifat Ahmed, Sifat Ahmed's Client Reviews

Goutam Paik

Sifat Ahmed's bug fixing service saved my website! He swiftly resolved technical issues, ensuring a seamless online experience for my customers.

Testimonial About Sifat Ahmed, Review About Sifat Ahmed, Developer Sifat Ahmed, Designer Sifat Ahmed, Sifat Ahmed's Client Reviews

Joyce A. Winer

Choosing Sifat Ahmed for web design was a game-changer! His designs are not only visually appealing but also search engine friendly, boosting my site's rankings.

Testimonial About Sifat Ahmed, Review About Sifat Ahmed, Developer Sifat Ahmed, Designer Sifat Ahmed, Sifat Ahmed's Client Reviews

Charles S. Kohler

I'm thrilled with Sifat Ahmed's web development work! He implemented advanced features and optimized my site for speed, enhancing user engagement.

Testimonial About Sifat Ahmed, Review About Sifat Ahmed, Developer Sifat Ahmed, Designer Sifat Ahmed, Sifat Ahmed's Client Reviews

Elmer K. Pruitt

Sifat Ahmed's web design transformed my online presence! With a modern and intuitive design, my business stands out among competitors

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